Friday, April 6, 2012

Autum/Winter Veggie Patch: Spring onions

Got back into the veggie patch this afternoon. Today I planted spring onions. I've never grown them before so I did a little research & followed the directions on the seed packet & away I went!

So, this is what little helper & I got up to today in the garden.

We started off checking out how our garlic, peas & silver beet seeds were going that we planted last week.

Garlic shoots have sprung up.

Snow peas have just sprouted. Can you see that tiny green sprout? Still all curled up & seed like.

Then on to the silver beet. Tiny seedlings have already appeared. Thought I'd thin them out a little as I sowed the seeds in clumps. Not sure if it's too early to do this but it's done! Sometimes I like to just go with what I feel with gardening & see what happens. I'm a bit over hard & fast rules at the moment. Seems to be a trend these days. So does unnecessary anxiety!

My sugar snap pea seedlings are looking gorgeous. I mulched them a few days ago with pea mulch & sprinkled some snail pellets around. I lost many seedlings last season due to slugs & snails so this time I put down some pellets. I bought the ones that break down & add nutrients to your soil, so it seems to be win win.

I did lose one pea seedling thanks to my Siamese cat Monty. He ate it. Damn cat!

Next up, little helper watered all the new growth & while doing that, softened & moistened the soil ready for some spring onion seed sowing. He gave himself a bit of a watering as well!


A little bit of hose dropping.



Next I dug up a section of soil to sow my seeds in. I decided to put the spring onion next to the peas & garlic. I've since realised that onions don't like to be next to peas (opps!) This is what happens when your baby has been cranky all afternoon & you hurry down to the garden for 30 minutes on a whim while your husband is dancing around the loungeoom with said cranky baby! Might need to plan a bit better next time! At least I'll find out what in fact happens when you don't companion plant properly.

Soil is all loosened. Now to add some lime. Apparently spring onions benefit from a bit of lime in the soil. Lime lowers the acidity of the soil & spring onions like some acidity, but not too much. So on went a handful of lime.

I then mixed it all through with my hands so it was evenly distributed. I then made 2 little trenches as shown below.

I then added some fertiliser to the bottom of the little trenches & then backfilled them with soil. Apparently spring onion like all this & I will provide. I want them to be happy, so they can make me happy, by feeding me & my family!

Dymanic lifter pellets. It's all the non liquid fertiliser I had, so hopefully it will do!

I then made a long, very shallow indent in the soil with my finger & sprinkled in the tiny seeds. I have learned by my mistakes that small seeds need be barley covered in soil or they won't grow! Spring onion seeds are tiny, so I lightly sprinkled soil over them & lightly patted it down.

All done! Little helper didn't want to sow the seeds this time, he was just a spectator.

Here is the garden now. One extra bed full of spring onion seeds. Hope they do ok next to the peas!

Have an awesome day!


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