Friday, April 13, 2012

Autumn/Winter Garden: Spinach

A very overcast & cold day today, but no rain, so out into the garden I went. Today I planted spinach. I went down all by myself, which was nice & peaceful. Little helper came with me to buy the spinach seedlings but didn't want to garden & sometimes, that's nice too.

Firstly, I watered everything & dug up some soil to mound up for the spinach. I tried my hand at tench composting a few months ago & I tried to collect that beautiful soil for my spinach. I sadly stopped trench composting soon after I started it as I couldn't stand collecting all the scraps. After about a week the scraps were awful & the bucket they were in was so, so awful & I just couldn't bare cleaning it out all the time, so I stopped. I will be buying a proper compost bin at some stage because I really want to compost & not send all that goodness to landfill.

Next, I started to separate the seedlings. While doing this it occurred to me that this spinach plant was just one, more advanced spinach plant & I was trying to separate it!! Well, I ended up with one bunch & two sad looking smaller plants. Geez, I don't have much hope for these plants after I hacked away at them, but we'll see!

In they went, still looking sad.

Look at how gorgeous my sugar snap pea's are! So happy with them.


Now that they have grown to a decent height, it's mulch time. I mulched them with pea straw.

I opened the packet up side down. Hehe

Mulched around the sad spinach as well.

Spinach & sugar snap peas, all mulched well with pea mulch.

My garlic is looking great! Can't believe how fast it's sprung up.

Mulched the garlic as well.

My parsley, grown from my Nonna's seeds is growing so beautifully. I have added it to many meals over the months.

And little helpers little flower has sprouted this week as well. He'll be very happy to see this next time we are in the garden together.

Here is my veggie patch today. Snow peas, parsley, garlic, spring onions, silver beet, nasturtium, spinach & sugar snap peas. Getting full now.


Thanks for reading,


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