Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Sick Little Tree

One of the worst things that could possibly happen to my little garden has happened. Something is wrong with my inaba shidare Japanese maple. I am so sad.

I have decided one of 3 things is wrong with it. 1- when I sprayed it with soapy water to kill the little bugs that were on it, it didn't like it. 2- the little bugs that are on it are killing it 3- I didn't water it enough over the last 2 weeks due to sickness & in addition to the bugs, it's suffering. (please don't be 3!! I don't want it to die because of me *sob sob*)

So, whatever the reason, the tiny bugs are still lurking, so I have a double plan of attack.

Pest oil to fully kill off these little free loaders & a generous dose of seasol to inject some nutrients & hopefully life back into my special maple.

Here's some photos of it today. It's very sick looking.

If you look closely, you can see a few of the little bugs.

My poor maple.

First things first, I sprayed the leaves with pest oil. I sprayed the tree until it was dripping. Under & on top of all the leaves & branches.


Then I mixed a fairly strong water & seasol mix & fed it to my sick little maple. I watered it in well afterwards.


Please get better maple. I have no idea what happens when deciduous trees are sick & then go into dormancy. Hoping it will be re-born in spring. I'll have to research a bit more & find out.

Please get better maple!!!!

Have a fantastic day & thanks for reading,


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